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Service Quality Information

The Financial Conduct Authority requires us to publish the following information about our personal current accounts:

How and when you can contact us to ask about the following things:*

  24 hour help? Telephone Internet banking Mobile banking
Contact details 24 hour help?  Telephone03 456 100 100
Internet bankingfirst direct Online Banking** Mobile bankingfirst direct Mobile Banking***
Checking the balance and accessing a transaction history
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Sending money within the UK, including setting up a standing order
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Sending money outside the UK
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Paying in a cheque
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Cancelling a cheque
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Cash withdrawal in a foreign currency outside the UK
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
A lack of funds: including unarranged overdrafts, payments we allow despite lack of funds and payments we refuse due to lack of funds
24 hour help?Yes

General Enquiries
03 456 100 100
Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

Specialised Credit Team
03 456 100 188
Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 16:00

Internet banking

General Enquiries
03 456 100 100
Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

Specialised Credit Team
03 456 100 188
Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 16:00

Mobile banking

General Enquiries
03 456 100 100
Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

Specialised Credit Team
03 456 100 188
Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 16:00

A direct debit, or allowing someone to collect one or more payments from your account using your debit card number
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Third party access to an account, for example under a power of attorney
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Problems using internet banking or mobile banking
24 hour help?Yes

General Enquiries
03 456 100 100
Monday to Sunday, 24 hours

General Enquiries
03 456 100 100
Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

Specialised Credit Team
03 456 100 188
Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 16:00

Internet banking

General Enquiries
03 456 100 100
Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

Specialised Credit Team
03 456 100 188
Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 16:00

Mobile banking

General Enquiries
03 456 100 100
Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.

Specialised Credit Team
03 456 100 188
Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 16:00

Reporting a suspected fraudulent incident or transaction
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Progress following an account suspension or card cancellation, e.g. following a fraud incident
24 hour help?Yes
TelephoneMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Account opening: including eligibility for an arranged overdraft, what is required to open an account and an indication of what arranged overdraft may be available
24 hour help?Yes Telephone

03 456 00 24 24

Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 20:00 Saturday, 09:00 - 18:00 Sunday, 10:00 - 18:00 urday and 10am to 6pm Sunday

Internet bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday,
24 hours

Note: this is a list of common queries. It does not represent the full list of queries you can take in relation to your account.

* To speak with a member of staff who has been suitably trained to discuss the action or matter.

** Requires registration for first direct Online Banking.

*** You must be registered for and use the latest version of the first direct Mobile Banking App.


How and when you can use your bank account to do the following things:

  Telephone banking Internet banking Mobile banking
Checking the balance
Telephone bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Accessing a transaction history
Telephone bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Sending money within the UK
Telephone bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Setting up a standing order* Telephone bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Sending money outside the UK
Telephone bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Internet bankingNot possible Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Paying in a cheque
Telephone bankingNot possible Internet bankingNot possible
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Cancelling a cheque
Telephone bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Internet bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours
Mobile bankingMonday to Sunday, 24 hours

Note: this is a list of common actions. It does not represent the full list of actions you can take in relation to your account.

*Setting up a standing order: On our mobile banking app, you can only set up regular payments to individuals e.g. family and friends.


Information about operational and security incidents

We are obliged to notify the Financial Conduct Authority if we become aware of a major operational or security incident which prevents our customers from using our payment services.

  In the 3 months from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024 In the 12 months from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024
Total number of incident reports In the 3 months from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 20240 In the 12 months from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 202411
Incidents affecting telephone banking
In the 3 months from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 20240 In the 12 months from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 20240
Incidents affecting mobile banking
In the 3 months from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 20240 In the 12 months from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 20247
Incidents affecting internet banking
In the 3 months from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 20240 In the 12 months from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 20245

Important notes on incidents preventing our customers from using our payment services;

  • note: not all incidents included in these numbers will have impacted first direct personal current account customers
  • this data is reported for HSBC UK Bank Plc as a firm and includes all incidents that affected HSBC UK personal, HSBC UK business, and first direct customers

  • in some cases an incident may not have impacted any of the above service categories or in some cases may have impacted more than one category e.g. both telephone banking and internet banking.


Complaints data
Complaints data

Financial Conduct Authority rules require us to provide them with a report of our complaints data every six months. In certain circumstances, we are also required to publish a summary of our complaints data.

The most recent summary is available at this link.


The Financial Ombudsman Service publishes its complaints data every six months. You can see their complaints data about us at http://www.ombudsman-complaints-data.org.uk/.

Opening a current account with us
Go to our opening an account section to find out how you can open an account and what information and documents you need to give us.

How quickly do we open personal current accounts?

We give customers an account number and enable them to start paying into the account:

  • the same day, for 72% of customers;
  • on average, in 1 day; and
  • within 17 days for 99% of customers

These figures are based on the time taken from our receiving all the information and documents we ask for in our Security Procedures Document, in a case where we don’t need any further information or documents to open the account.

How quickly do we give customers a debit card?

Once an account is open, we give customers a debit card:

  •  the same day, for 0% of customers;
  •  on average, in 5 days; and
  •  within 6 days for 99% of customers

How quickly do customers get internet banking?

Once an account is open, customers have internet banking:

  • the same day, for 87% of customers;
  • on average, in 1 day; and
  • within 7 days for 99% of customers

How quickly is an overdraft available?

Once an account is open, the overdraft is available:

  • the same day, for 97% of customers;
  • on average, in 1 day; and
  • within 33 days for 99% of customers
Replacing a debit card

How quickly do we replace debit cards which have been lost, stolen or stopped?

We replace debit cards:

  • the same day, for 0% of customers;
  • on average, in 3 days; and
  • within 5 days for 99% of customers.

Opening an account

To open this account, a new customer will need to provide us with the documents and information set out in our Security Procedures Document (PDF). We may request additional information or documents in individual cases.

You can open this account:


You can open this account:Without visiting a branch Yes
You can open this account:Where a visit to a branch is required, without an appointment N/A
You can open this account:By sending us documents and information electronically Yes
You can open this account:By post Yes

What is the interest rate being charged on our product?


Annual interest rate payable for arranged overdrafts on 30 September 2024 Annual interest rate payable for unarranged overdrafts on 30 September 2024 Refused payment fee on 30 September 2024

1st Account 

Annual interest rate payable for arranged overdrafts on 30 September 202434.05% Annual interest rate payable for unarranged overdrafts on 30 September 202434.05% Refused payment fee on 30 September 2024£0

Annual Rate – This is the basic interest rate that’s used to calculate interest per day on any chargeable overdraft borrowing. It doesn’t take into account any compounding or fees.

How does our overdraft compare?

A good way to compare the cost of our overdraft with other overdrafts or other ways of borrowing is to look at the APR. The APR shows the cost of borrowing over a year.

Information about overdraft pricing in the 3 months between 1 July and 30 September 2024


Advertised APR during the quarter

Product1st Account Advertised APR during the quarter30.5% APR Variable

APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is the rate at which someone who is borrowing money is charged, calculated over a period of twelve months. It takes into account not just the interest, but also any other charges that may have to be paid and any interest free amount.

Find out more about the additional ways we support our personal current account customers.

The requirement to publish the Competition and Markets Authority independent service quality survey results for personal current accounts can be found here.

Open Banking, Mobile Banking and Online Banking performance and availability

View detailed information about how Open banking and direct digital channels have performed. These are published every quarter.

October - December 2024 channel performance and availability

To find out more about what we offer and how we’re doing it, view our Open Banking page.